Sunday, September 11, 2005

September 11...

Just a quick note about my day. It is Sunday, Sept 11th, 2005.

I am leaving work, today, and am musing over this day. The Chicago Bears lost their game, the weather was very hot and humid, and I drank a goodly amout of coffee!

The Delai Lama spoke live on CNN today, as a 911 tribute to those lost, and those still still suffering. The news channels are all running 911 rememberances, as well as the continuing New Orleans/ Hurricane Katrina coverage. The papers have announced that President Bush's "approval rating" has dipped below 40%. [ =) ]

And throughout this lazy day, it occured to me: Something's missing...........

It's not football frenzy........

It's not hurricane coverage....

Wait!................I know!........................It's the anniversary of the worst terrorism attack we've ever sustained, and there have been NO warnings or official cautionaries about pontential Al Qaeda attacks on this most sinister anniversary. No alert level color-changes. No reference to the London train bombings... Hmmm. Strange.

Maybe it's because Homeland Security is quite busy trying to get us to believe that FEMA still works. Maybe, the Bush FEMA Appointee who was just "called back to Washington", is really tired from all those photo ops.

Or maybe, nobody really is worried.

And ya wonder why conspiracy theories take root? You question the woo-woo types, like me, who see a goblin behind every global event yelling "foul" or "conspiracy" or "time to wake up".

Yet, as you watched the NFL Sunday presentation today, did you miss something? What happened to those embedded "sleeper cells" we were told to watch out for? What happened to the cautions?

Think I will head home and watch the Delai Lama on Larry King tonight. I know that he will at least do HIS job. Somehow I trust his councels more than Homeland Security's.

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